
From FHX Wiki

A character is a customized avatar of the player in the game. The player uses their character to participate in Player versus Environment and Player versus Player activities. An account can have up to 5 characters.


Primary article: Character creation

The character creation screen includes selections for race, gender, class, physical appearance, starting attributes, and name.

Character window

Primary article: Character window

The character window includes numerous details about the character including, but not limited to, name, guild, fame, and attributes.


Primary article: Classes

Once created, a character starts with 2 skill points to unlock class skills (default K). Addiitonal points are rewarded when leveling up.

Crafting skills can also be unlocked, but it is recommended for new players to wait until after level 50 to spend points unlocking those skills.


Primary articles: Inventory, Bank

Each character has an inventory (default I) to store and equip items. Additionally, each account has bank storage that can be accessed in most major towns or cities, and is shared across all characters on an account.

Leveling up

Characters advance through the game by leveling up. New characters start at level 1, and is rewarded experience for participating in various activities. When a character accumulates enough experience, they will gain a level and receive attribute points and skill points up to the maximum of level 65. Points can be spent to increase a character's attributes and to unlock skills.

Leveling up will also fully heal the character and replenish their mana and stamina pools. At level 65, characters stop gaining experience but can complete daily quests for fame.

Some of the in-game activities that provide experience (including, but not limited to):



See also