Character creation

Character creation is a 6-step process guiding a player through creation of a new character.
- Select Race
- Select Gender
- Select Class
- Select Appearance
- Select Attributes
- Character Name
- Primary article: Playable races
There are three playable races that you can choose from. That choice determines the class you can select and the base attributes for your character, as well as differences in appearance.
- Born and raised to be mighty warriors, barbarians are dominant with their fighting powers and strength. These factors make them superior in melee battles.
- Messenger from the Gods. Little is known about the High-Elves, only that they have long life spans, beautiful faces and bodies. High-Elves are regarded as the second most powerful beings, next to Dragons.
- Possessing a strong affinity with fairies and protected by the woods and forests, Wood-Elves are an agile species specializing in archery, wielding daggers, and sword fighting. They are the guardians of nature.
Every playable race has the same gender options: male or female. In addition to changes in physical appearance, some equipment can only be equipped by a male or female character.
- Primary article: Classes
The available classes to choose from are dependent on the selected race, unrestricted by gender.
- Archers are trained by elves. They specialize in bow and agility related skills.
Playable by barbarians, high-elves, and wood-elves. Cleric
- Clerics are people that make God's protection real. Clerics cast healing spells and additional buff magic to increase party member's abilities. They can even teleport characters from place to place.
Playable by high-elves only. Knight
- A knight is a class that has achieved formal military training and is assigned to the regiment of Royal Knights.
Playable by barbarians only. Paladin
- Paladins are the class that learned holy magic from holy knights - the Hollen Horsemanship of Rog - and user their strength to maintain the goodness of their beliefs.
Playable by barbarians only. Summoner
- Summoners are the experts of spiritualistic magic inherited from ancient times. They summon guardians to fight and protect casters. It is also possible that their knowledge to elemental and other magic can daze and dazzle opponents. They can also cast additional buff magic to colleagues. If summoners are to be one of your enemies, then you should not underestimate the contract between them and the guardians backing them up.
Playable by high-elves and wood-elves. Warrior
- A warrior stands ahead of the party group, possessing an overwhelming life-force and physical strength.
Playable by barbarians and wood-elves. Wizard
- Wizards specialize in time management and casting spells. They are able to cast virtually all known elemental spells. Each of these spells can produce destructive forces, so they act as the most powerful damage dealers in a party.
Playable by high-elves and wood-elves.
Physical appearance
You can customize four different aspects of your character's physical appearance:
- Face
- Size
- Hair
Starting attributes
Your starting attributes are set depending on your chosen race. After selecting a class, you must spend 6 additional attribute points to increase your starting stats. Alternatively, clicking Auto will spend all points automatically depending on the class selected.
The last step is to choose a name for your character, which include from 3 to _ characters.
need info What are the limitations on character names? Symbols? Alternate alphabets?
Starting area
- Primary article: Rog Imperial City
Once you confirm the character's name and other selections, you will be transported to Rog Imperial City. All characters start in the same city. The first few levels will be spent doing quests in and around the starting city. Look at your minimap in the top right of your screen to find nearby quests to start.
Starting equipment
- Primary article: Starting equipment
Characters begin play with a small list of equipment depending on their class:
Archer — Beginner Short Bow, Beginner Dagger
Cleric — Beginner Wand, Beginner Round Shield
Knight — Beginner Short Sword, Beginner Round Shield
Paladin — Beginner Club, Beginner Round Shield
Summoner — Beginner Short Sword, Beginner Round Shield
Warrior — Beginner Short Sword, Beginner Hand Axe
Wizard — Beginner Wand, Beginner Round Shield