
From FHX Wiki
The quest journal.

Quests are groups of interrelated tasks, usually involving a storyline, that can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to complete.

A list of accepted quests is available in the quest journal (default U). To track quest progress on-screen, highlight it and press the button on the top right of the quest journal.

Quest icons

The minimap displays various quest markers when a quest is available or completed. Normal and completed quest icons are also displayed over NPCs.

Easy and low quests are below the character's level, and may not grant as much experience compared to quests closer in level.

New quest (NPC)

Normal quest icon (minimap)

Easy quest icon (minimap)

Low quest icon (minimap)

Completed quest direction (minimap)

Completed quest icon (minimap)

Completed quest (NPC)

Types of quests

Quest series

Primary section: List of quests, List of series quests

Many quests are part of a series of quests that share a common plot-line. Progress in a quest series requires completion of the previous quest to access the next in the chain. The majority of the quest series are based in a specific area, and their completion often leads characters into the next zone.

Class quests

Primary article: List of class quests

A class quest is a quest series that each class can accept. These are prefaced with "[Class]" and can only be acquired by characters of that class and level prerequisite.

Group quests

Primary article: List of group quests

A group quest is a quest or quest series that is only obtainable while in a party (or group). These are prefaced with "[Group]" and can only gain progress while the character is in a party.

These quests are intended to be more difficult for a solo character, but with cleric buffs and a mercenary they can be completed without much issue.

Daily quests

Primary article: List of daily quests

A daily quest is a repeatable quest that can be acquired and completed over and over again. These are prefaced with "[Daily]" and can only be acquired if not already in the quest journal or the previous one is abandoned.

Daily quests are available once the character reaches level 30, and can be accepted from the Rog Guard Commander in Rog Imperial City. These quests will take you all over various maps to hunt down numerous monsters for substantial experience rewards and fame. New quests are available at 12:00 AM (UTC) every day, as long as you don't already have one in your quest log.

Rebel quests

Primary article: List of rebel quests

A rebel quest is a repeatable quest that can be acquired and completed over and over again. These are prefaced with "[Repeat]" and can only be acquired if not already in the quest journal or the previous one is abandoned.

Rebel quests are available once the character reaches level 50, and can be accepted from High Elf Hero (Professor Set), Wood Elf Hero (Chain Mail Set), or Barbarian Hero (Plate Set) in Great Rebellion. For each armor piece, a series of pre-quests need to be solved. Depending on your class, this armor is one of the best you can get. Rebel quests are not time-limited, you can repeat them once you turn them in.

List of quests

Rog Imperial Castle Area
Rog Imperial Castle Area#Quests
Green Valley
Green Valley#Quests
Silent Woods
Silent Woods#Quests
Dusty Gorge
Dusty Gorge#Quests
Great Rebellion
Great Rebellion#Quests
Tranquil Swamp
Tranquil Swamp#Quests
Giants' Territory
Giants' Territory#Quests