
Guilds are formal groupings of players that enable them to play together more effectively.
- Support when engaging in PvP.
- Help to kill bosses.
- General communication, acquiring items and/or buffs.
- Members of the guild that holds the GvG will be allowed to enter The Forest of the Abandoned.
To create a guild, visit a Guild Manager and click Register Guild. You will be asked to enter a guild name and design a guild mark. You cannot create a guild while representing another. The guild mark can be changed by speaking to a Guild Manager and costs 10 0
- Requirements
- It costs 10
to create a guild.
- Guild master must be level 30 or higher.
- Guild master must have a full party (8 members) at guild creation — all party members will become the initial members of the guild.
- It costs 10
- Leadership
- The rank of Guild Master is automatically assigned to the creator. The leader may invite additional members.
- Disbanding
- A guild will be disbanded if the Guild Master leaves. A guild with the same name may be created afterward. Alternatively, the Guild Master can visit a Guild Manager and select Disband Guild.
- Limitations
- A guild can have a max. of 40 members.
Guild membership is per-character. Joining a guild requires an invitation sent from the guild master.
- Accepting a guild invite is like accepting a party invite. A notification will appear and must be accepted before receiving other invites.
- To leave a guild, open the Guild Window (default N) and click Leave.
- Guild Master cannot be transferred once the guild is created.
- There are currently no guild ranks outside of Guild Master. Only the guild master can send invites to new members.
Guild marks
- When designing a guild mark, the mark and background color can both be selected.
- The guild mark is displayed on guild cloaks when equipped and in an active guild.