
Party feature enables players to organize groups of up to 8 characters. Parties can be formed using Party Search and gives access to a party chat channel and other party features.
Party window
The party window (default P) is in the top left section of the interface and displays information about party members including class, level, resources, and active blessings or curses. The window can be collapsed...
Creating/disbanding a party
Adding players to a party
Leaving a party
Removing players from a party
Party features
Party Search
The Party Search window allows parties to register as Recruiting or solo players as Waiting. Parties can invite waiting players, and solo players can apply to recruiting parties.
Party level
Parties can also level up as its members gain shared experience. Higher level parties reward more experience and better loot to its members.
To target the same mob as an ally, R+Click on a member in the party list. This is used to help focus damage on the same target as someone else.
Experience is shared with nearby members that are within 9 levels of each other (e.g. if you are level 15, you can only share experience with characters as low as level 6 or as high as 24). If a member is outside that threshold and nearby, no experience is earned by the lowest level member.
Party members earn a collective XP total that is greater than when adventuring solo (e.g. if solo, you might earn 100 XP but if sharing XP with another party member you both might earn 60 XP for a collective total of 120 XP earned).