
From FHX Wiki

A region is the primary division of the open world provinces. Regions are largely explorable themselves, but are also a named collection of different types of locations, including smaller areas, cities, and instances. Moving between regions is possible through portals, scrolls and Teleport, or across open-world terrain.

List of regions

Glorious Imperial Territory

Primary article: Glorious Imperial Territory
Grand Marsh
copypaste description from linked page
Craggy region
Valley of Wailing River
Valley of Wind
Lumber Area

Cardinal regions

copypaste description from linked page


  • Regions in Glorious Imperial Territory are also separated into cardinal directions, as some areas in that world map are not labeled and overlap.

South Rog Frontier

Primary article: South Rog Frontier
Rog Imperial Castle Area
This region boasts rolling hills, serene lakes, and meandering rivers. Low-level wildlife, including spiders, wolves, and bears, roam freely, while goblins, orcs, and the occasional nefarious humans add an element of danger. Encircled by towering mountains, the landscape is dotted with numerous trees and expanses of green grass.
Green Valley
Nestled within a dense forest, this lush region features a serene lake at its heart, crowned by the town of Aegis Fortress. The lake’s shores teem with diverse creatures, from lurking crocodiles and mischievous goblins to ethereal elemental spirits, oozing slimes, and formidable orcs.
Dusty Gorge
Great Rebellion
Tranquil Swamp
Giants' Territory


Instances are locations that are opened for a specific party, character level range, or can be entered with other players without sharing a party.

Continent of ROG
Glorious Imperial Territory Grand MarshCraggy RegionValley of Wailing RiverValley of WindGladshelmLumber Area
South Rog Frontier (Idios) Rog Imperial Castle AreaGreen ValleySilent WoodsMidlandDusty GorgePalmasGreat RebellionTranquil SwampGiants' Territory
Cities Rog Imperial City (V3)Aegis FortressMidland PortDusty TownGypsy VillageRog Imperial City (V1)
Instances Great RebellionDepthless OrificeSnow StormThe Valley of BloodThe Forest of the Abandoned
Related: LocationProvinceRegionAreaArenaLandmark