
From FHX Wiki
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Landmarks (or points of interest) are important or notable locations found in the world that are not typically noted by a marker on the minimap. They can range from architecture and ruins to pieces of terrain.

Continent of ROG
Glorious Imperial Territory Grand MarshCraggy RegionValley of Wailing RiverValley of WindGladshelmLumber Area
South Rog Frontier (Idios) Rog Imperial Castle AreaGreen ValleySilent WoodsMidlandDusty GorgePalmasGreat RebellionTranquil SwampGiants' Territory
Cities Rog Imperial City (V3)Aegis FortressMidland PortDusty TownGypsy VillageRog Imperial City (V1)
Instances Great RebellionDepthless OrificeSnow StormThe Valley of BloodThe Forest of the Abandoned
Related: LocationProvinceRegionAreaArenaLandmark