
From FHX Wiki
Revision as of 01:13, 3 September 2024 by Ryzuhr (talk | contribs) (→‎Inaccessible provinces)
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A province is a collection of regions within the ROG continent. There are two explorable provinces in the game, each with their own world map.

List of provinces

Accessible provinces

Glorious Imperial Territory
South Rog Frontier

Inaccessible provinces

These provinces exist on the world maps, but were never created or released. They are still documented in the wiki for posterity.

Globulal Calamity Region
East Justice Territory
Mad Volcanic Island


  • Previous iterations of the game only used one of the world maps. In FHX Restoration, both world maps were combined to create the large continent of ROG.

Continent of ROG
Glorious Imperial Territory Grand MarshCraggy RegionValley of Wailing RiverValley of WindGladshelmLumber Area
South Rog Frontier (Idios) Rog Imperial Castle AreaGreen ValleySilent WoodsMidlandDusty GorgePalmasGreat RebellionTranquil SwampGiants' Territory
Cities Rog Imperial City (V3)Aegis FortressMidland PortDusty TownGypsy VillageRog Imperial City (V1)
Instances Great RebellionDepthless OrificeSnow StormThe Valley of BloodThe Forest of the Abandoned
Related: LocationProvinceRegionAreaArena