ROG (continent): Difference between revisions

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The kings of ROG, Contikhan and Forgelland went to the temple deep within Herrcot. The sage prepared the ritual and looked at the three kings.
The kings of [[ROG]], [[Contikhan]] and [[Forgelland]] went to the temple deep within [[Herrcot]]. The sage prepared the ritual and looked at the three kings.

The kings asked:
The kings asked:

Latest revision as of 16:40, 26 February 2025

Map of ROG continent.
Map of ROG continent.

ROG is the continent in the world of FHX Restoration, although this name is often used to refer to the capital city in Idios.

More than a thousand years ago, three nations traveled to the central continent called Herrcot. In this continent the powers of magic are the strongest in the world. The greatest Sage of that time convinced the kings that they could gain unimaginable power in Herrcot.

To do this, deep within the earth the three nations built a temple to tap the vast magical powers of Herrcot. The leaders of the three nations all had their most powerful wizards make ”Dimensional Keys” and through an ancient ritual, they tried to open a portal to a different dimension. This is when evil was unleashed upon the land, more than a hundred years of war destroyed most of civilization. Finally, legendary heroes were able to drive the forces of evil back to the continent of Herrcot and sealed them there for the past 1000 years.

As a wandering adventurer you find yourself in the continent of ROG, being able to explore its two provinces: Glorious Imperial Territory and South Rog Frontier, where strange things are happening lately and there are rumors of evil rising. This is where your story begins.



The kings of ROG, Contikhan and Forgelland went to the temple deep within Herrcot. The sage prepared the ritual and looked at the three kings.

The kings asked:

"Will there be any side effects once the portal is opened?"
"I believe it will lead to unbelievable magical powers for us. But there could be side effects such as lifeforms appearing or some kind of magical effects."
"So opening the portal is the only way to find out…"
"Yes, if something comes out of the portal, it will not be able to harm us, the ‘dimensional keys’ can be pulled out and the ritual will be stopped. We are with the full powers of three nations. Even if any creature comes out, we should have enough power to overcome it."

The kings had made up their minds well before coming here. They would open the portal no matter what it takes and gain unimaginable powers. Their desire, curiosity and expectations drove them.

The king of Contikhan looked around and said:


Strong humming sound filled the room. It was only a tiny shining object at first, but quickly became a blinding light.

A moment later, the keys started to resonate with one another, each of them emanating a blue glow.

"Did it fail?"

The sage, answered quickly...

"No, my Majesty. The reaction differed from my expectation, but the door to the other dimension is open now. The size of the opening is currently very small."

Then the portal began expanding itself, and was now the size of a fist. Everyone stepped back from the sphere as it began to fiercely vibrate. The sphere rapidly began to grow larger and larger, forcing the Kings against the walls.

No one heard what the sage had said as they stared at the darkening portal in amazement. Then what seemed to be an arm extended from the middle of the portal then another arm appeared. Legs followed quickly, then an entire body began to emerge from the portal.

The creature had strong arms, a hunched back and four horns dispersed from its thick neck. Splashes of black and red covered its beastly body, as it tilted its head back to show its ears, covered in lizard scales.

The creature opened its mouth angrily, showing thousands of razor sharp fangs, and spoke with a low rumbling voice:

"Are you the ones that connected us to your world?"

The sage responded with a tremble in his voice:

"Yes, we are the ones who opened the gate to your world."

This creature paused for a second, its eyes glowing.

"Surprising, I never imagined that humans had such abilities. Are you ready for us?"

The sage pondered the question for a moment.

"Of course. I have been preparing for your arrival a long time, Master. What should we call you?"

The creature seemed to think for a second and then laughed.

"You can call me Beelzebub!"


Year 0

After the opening of the portal and the appearance of Beelzebub a war broke out all over the world. The forces of Beelzebub laid siege to all kingdoms and nearly destroyed all civilization. Some people managed to survive by building fortresses and learning to fight the forces of Beelzebub. The war for survival lasted for a 100 years.


ROG has several areas with varying landscapes.

Glorious Imperial Territory area descriptions (biome, landscape features, points of interest).

Idios area descriptions (biome, landscape features, points of interest).


need info

  • Language
  • Religion


need info

  • Various races
  • Government(s)

List of regions

ROG is divided into two explorable provinces, each further divided into regions and areas.

Accessible regions

Glorious Imperial Territory

Grand Marsh
Craggy region
Valley of Wailing River
Valley of Wind
Lumber Area

South Rog Frontier (Idios)

Rog Imperial Castle Area
This region boasts rolling hills, serene lakes, and meandering rivers. Low-level wildlife, including spiders, wolves, and bears, roam freely, while goblins, orcs, and the occasional nefarious humans add an element of danger. Encircled by towering mountains, the landscape is dotted with numerous trees and expanses of green grass.
Green Valley
Nestled within a dense forest, this lush region features a serene lake at its heart, crowned by the town of Aegis Fortress. The lake’s shores teem with diverse creatures, from lurking crocodiles and mischievous goblins to ethereal elemental spirits, oozing slimes, and formidable orcs.
Silent Woods
Dusty Gorge
Great Rebellion
Tranquil Swamp
Giants' Territory

Inaccessible regions

These regions exist on the world map, but were never created or released. They are still documented in the wiki for posterity.

Crystar Mountains
Plateau of Anchorites
Marsh of Witches
Land of Heroes

Inaccessible provinces

These provinces exist on the world map, but were never created or released. They are still documented in the wiki for posterity.

Globulal Calamity Region
East Justice Territory
Mad Volcanic Island

Interactive map



  • Previous iterations of the game only contained the Glorious Imperial Territory map or South Rog Frontier map. FHX Restoration merged the two maps into a single continent.
  • Rog was originally intended to be 1 of 3 major continents in the world, containing 5 separate provinces. The map of South Rog Frontier is a pseudo-mirror of the original Glorious Imperial Territory map, so there is some overlap in map details, some locations containing identical or similar names. In the wiki, these are identified by "(V1)" or "(V3)" in the location title.

Continent of ROG
Glorious Imperial Territory Grand MarshCraggy RegionValley of Wailing RiverValley of WindGladshelmLumber Area
South Rog Frontier (Idios) Rog Imperial Castle AreaGreen ValleySilent WoodsMidlandDusty GorgePalmasGreat RebellionTranquil SwampGiants' Territory
Cities Rog Imperial City (V3)Aegis FortressMidland PortDusty TownGypsy VillageRog Imperial City (V1)
Instances Great RebellionDepthless OrificeSnow StormThe Valley of BloodThe Forest of the Abandoned
Related: LocationProvinceRegionAreaArenaLandmark