Mobile Shop

From FHX Wiki
This page is in draft. This article might be separated into additional articles per mobile shop variant.

Mobile Shop is a shop NPC that sells a variety of items depending on their location. Unlike most shops, they are not located in cities, but out in the wilderness.

Some Mobile Shops sell the same items as a Grocer, while others sell items like an Armor Shop.

Items offered

List of items offered by standard Mobile Shops.

Item Cost Notes
Bind Summoning Parchment 0 5 0 Move to your bindstone.
Bind Summoning Parchment (5x) 0 30 0 Move to your bindstone. Stack of 5 scrolls.
Move to Rog Imperial Castle 0 5 0
Move to Rog Imperial Castle (5x) 0 30 0 Stack of 5 scrolls.
Move to Aegis Fortress 0 10 0
Move to Aegis Fortress (5x) 0 60 0 Stack of 5 scrolls.
Move to Silent Woods 0 15 0
Move to Silent Woods (5x) 0 90 0 Stack of 5 scrolls.
Move to Midland Port 0 20 0
Move to Midland Port (5x) 1 20 0 Stack of 5 scrolls.
Move to Shadow Mine Village 0 25 0
Move to Shadow Mine Village (5x) 1 50 0 Stack of 5 scrolls.


Glorious Imperial Territory
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Shops & Services

Apprentice BlacksmithGrocerMaterial ShopMobile Shop

Armor ShopMagic GoodsWeapon Shop

Guild Cloak ShopFame Shop

BlacksmithGuild ManagerMercenary Manager

Point Initiator

Related: CraftingEnchanting