
From FHX Wiki

Blacksmiths are a service NPC that sell crafting and enchanting services. They are accompanied by at least 1 Apprentice Blacksmith.

Services offered


Primary article: Crafting

You can craft items yourself using kits and the Manufacture skill or at a Blacksmith located in major cities. Blacksmiths have a fixed crafting level that affects success/failure, but using them does not add experience to the Manufacture skill.


Primary article: Enchanting

Enchanting can only be done at a Blacksmith. Speak to them and provide at least an enchanting sheet and the item you wish to enchant.


  • [[]] (west)
  • [[]] (north)
  • [[]] (north, near the docks)
  • [[]] (northeast)
  • [[]] (south)

Shops & Services

Apprentice BlacksmithGrocerMaterial ShopMobile Shop

Armor ShopMagic GoodsWeapon Shop

Guild Cloak ShopFame Shop

BlacksmithGuild ManagerMercenary Manager

Point Initiator

Related: CraftingEnchanting