FHX Wiki:To do list
To do list |
The scope of this project is simple. It's a list of things that we want to do on the wiki. Completed items should be removed from the list to avoid cluttering the page. Feel free to suggest new items in Discord. |
- make emails work
- let newly created accounts confirm their email before they are able to submit/edit content.
- Add selected templates/articles to Special:ProtectedPages so only authorized people can edit
- Main Page, FHX_Wiki:To_do_list, FHX_Wiki:How_to_help, FHX_Wiki:FAQ, Template:Interactive map,.. need info
- it's also a good idea to protect entire namespaces: Special:ListGroupRights
- Example: FHX_Wiki, Templates
- Consider adding Extension:IframeTag
- Consider QuestyCaptcha as good alternative/additional captcha
- Set up Special:AbuseFilter
- Once the wiki has a decent amount of basic content:
- https://docs.ulyssis.org/Preventing_spam_on_MediaWiki
- Patrol unpatrolled content
- Consider adding multiple users to patrollers or create a subgroup (*
$wgGroupPermissions['patrollers']['patrol'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['team']['patrol'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['bot']['autopatrol'] = true;
- Enable Captcha for every single submit/edit, even if the user is logged in with a verified account (except specific roles).
- Transfer user User:RyzuhrDEV
- Add link to wiki on website
Content organization (Templates, Categories, etc)
- Delete pages marked for deletion
- Create articles: FHX_Wiki:FAQ
- Create draft for all wanted pages & fix redirects/links/titles
- Fix double redirects & wanted templates & wanted categories
- Files
- Remove unused files
- Categorize uncategorized files
- Items, Classes, Races, Skills, UI Elements, ...
- Templates
- We have some unused templates or templates that can be combined/refactored
- Categorize uncategorized templates
- Upload all referenced images from CDN to the wiki so we decouple from it
Layout & Style
- Add formatting to navboxes similar to Template:STF styles
- Add some style/color to the Main Page
- Optimize articles for mobile
- fill in Monster sections of location pages (use quests as a starting list)
- Create all quest pages
- Missing quest reward pages
- Aegis Wizard's Boots
- Short Bow of Kindness
- Average Cloak
- Leather Jacket of Resistance
- Hero's Necklace
- Ring of Stamina
- Ring of Spirit
- Wizard's Spirit Wand
- Hand Axe of Apprentice
- Wand of Protection
- Quilted Jacket of Protection
- Forest Jacket
- Forest Pants
- Gloves of the Dark Soul
- Sacred Sword
- Jacket of Holiness
- Holy Pants
- Short Bow of Purity
- Club of Purity
- Rapier of Sound
- Mace of Sound
- Rapier of Transport
- Mace of the Palmas Family
- Shield of the Palmas Family
- Sparta of Honor
- Heiss Family Evil Stern
- Axe of the High Court
- Wooden Staff of High Court
- Updated coordinates in newly tabbed monster pages - feel free to remove from list as completed
- ✓ Black Bear 8 (v1 town outskirts) / 11 (v3 aegis, green valley area)
- ✓ Brown Bear 10 (v1 town outskirts) / 11 (v3 rog castle area)
- ✓ Grizzly 13 (1v , town outskirts) / 15 (v3 , green valley)
- ✓ Wolf Spider 5 (v1 , town outskirts)
- Add soul/named items to landing pages (eg. named accessories, hero's soul items, and quest rewards)
- Create more nav boxes
- Template:New player nav
- High traffic landing pages (eg. inventory, equipment, shops, crafting, quests, mob lists, etc.)
- Bestiary nav? (lists by mob type, level, location, etc.)
- Template:New player nav
- Set up a community event page to track upcoming events to feature on the main page
- Would like to have a way to autofill the Template:Main Page/featured panel with the next upcoming event on a schedule
- Create more infoboxes (Template:NPC infobox) - use single infobox style with different classes for title and divide line color
- Consider: Race, class
- Fill in Dialogue sections and additional descriptions on all quest pages. (Intro, Accept/Decline, Turn in, Description)
How to help |