FHX Wiki:How to help

From FHX Wiki

We are pleased you're interested in contributing to the FHX Wiki! There are numerous ways to help with this project:

  • If you would like to be a writer and edit pages directly, create an account and reach out to us on Discord.
  • If you would prefer to supply information for someone else to format, that's fine too! Post your info dump in Discord and we'll set it up - you can create threads to help organize large amounts of information.
  • Even simple snippets of info (e.g. name and level of a monster, stat on an item, or what a hotkey does), calling out errors, or sending us screenshots is incredibly helpful.

Every wiki is a collaborative project, no contribution is meaningless!


Gathering information is the largest part of any wiki. There are so many features of a game that can be cataloged, and some players may enjoy tracking down some info more than others.

If you would like to provide information for a feature, either send it to us in Discord or you can create an account and put the info in its article. Even if the info dump is just plain text, someone can come by later and reformat it.


Primary articles: Help:Images, Help:Images/Image transparency

Images can improve any article, from presenting an example of a topic to making the information more appealing to readers.

If you would like to provide screenshots for articles, it's preferred that the image is cropped to focus on the topic it represents. Additionally, adding a transparent layer can help make images blend better into wiki articles (e.g. monster images from the FHX Editor).


Primary articles: Help:Editing, Help:VisualEditor

Create an account

All of the above gets through the largest hurdles to creating an article. Once the information is available, it can't be displayed as a block of plain text or no one will really utilize it. That's where editing comes in - adding headers for key sections, bold and italics for emphasizing terms, and organizing the article for an enjoyable reading experience.

How to help
Editing articles
Editing guide (Cheatsheet) • VisualEditorImagesImage transparency
Formatting guides
Item formattingNPC formattingSkill formattingLocation formattingQuest formatting
Pages with missing elements
NPC pages missing coordinatesPages with broken file linksPages with a page warningPages with WIP sections
Article feedback
Leaving article feedbackFixing vandalism
FAQSearching for pagesTablesTemplatesSandboxRedirectsReferencesSignaturesArchiving talk pages