Ring (type)

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Revision as of 21:22, 17 February 2025 by Measuperbia (talk | contribs)
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This article is for the equipment type. See Ring for the equippable item.

Rings are an equippable item type that can be worn in the ring slots of the character's inventory.


  • Normal jewelry items cannot be crafted, but are obtainable as monster drops. Normal jewelry can be upgraded with crafting.
  • Magic, rare, and soul rarity jewelry are obtainable as monster drops.
Icon Name Req. lvl Req. INT Obtained from
Strength Regeneration Ring 10 7 Grocer
Orc Lord (lvl 13) •
Goblin Chief (lvl 10)
Spell Regeneration Ring 10 21 Grocer
Orc Lord (lvl 13) •
Goblin Chief (lvl 10)
Stamina Regeneration Ring 10 7 Grocer
Orc Lord (lvl 13) •
Goblin Chief (lvl 10)
Ring 5 Mobs (lvl 6-7)

Recommended mob: Gray Wolf

Ring 12 Mobs (lvl 13-14)

Recommended: Small SlimeSmall Grizzly

Ring 19 Mobs (lvl 20-21)

Recommended: Blackstone Wolf

Ring 26 Mobs (lvl 27-29)

Recommended: Vicious Dusty SlimeSmall Shadow BatGray Dusty Wolf
Special drop from: Hill Goblin Shaman

Ring 34 Mobs (lvl 35-37)

Recommended: Lake Slime
Special drop from: Echidna

Ring 42 Mobs (40-60)

Recommended: Small Witch SpiderWitch Spider

Ring of Rog 30 Ancient DraconicTitanHera TitanDark Warlord
Emancipation Ring 40 7 ApsalasCult PriestLa Borc MajongElcaven
Dragon´s Ring 40 38 ApsalasCult PriestLa Borc MajongElcaven
Restitution Ring 40 7 ApsalasCult PriestLa Borc MajongElcaven

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Cloak Cloaks
Accessory NecklacesRings
Weapons AxesBowsDaggersMacesPolearmsStaffsSwordsWands
Head CircletsLeather helmetsMail helmetsPlate helmets
Chest RobesLeather jacketsMail jacketsPlate jackets
Pants Leather pantsMail pantsPlate pants
Gloves Mage glovesLeather glovesMail glovesPlate gloves
Boots Mage bootsLeather bootsMail bootsPlate boots
Shield Shields
Related: Soul itemsRebel armorStrong equipmentCrafted equipmentItem rarityItem bonus