Elmo Leon

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Elmo Leon

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Elmo Leon is a merchant that can be found in Rog Imperial City (V3), located within Rog Imperial Castle Area.



Items offered

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Old Short Sword Sword Normal 5 93
Short Sword Sword Normal 10 2 17
Old Club Mace Normal 5 93
Club Mace Normal 10 2 17
Old Hand Axe Axe Normal 5 93
Hand Axe Axe Normal 10 2 17
Old Short Bow Bow Normal 5 93
Short Bow Bow Normal 10 2 17


Greeting (selected)
You are Archer. We are selling a bot that never misses a target. We have only one left.
If you think it's expensive, you may not buy it.
You want to cut down the price? Please find another merchant.

See also

Shops & Services

Apprentice BlacksmithGrocerMaterial ShopMobile Shop

Armor ShopMagic GoodsWeapon Shop

Guild Cloak ShopFame Shop

BlacksmithGuild ManagerMercenary Manager

Related: CraftingEnchanting