Crafting/Leveling guide

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< Crafting

This guide is here to walk you through your first 15 levels of crafting, introducing you to acquiring materials, using the crafting window, and experiencing the results of successfully making your own items.

Happy crafting!

This may not be the most optimized route to 15, but it allows for minimum farming and easy entry to the crafting activity. The numbers below may also vary depending on success/failure.

Getting started

To get started, you'll need a Manufacture Kit, Crafting Sheets, the skills for those crafting sheets, and Crafting Materials. The tables below lay out everything needed from 1-15, but all items and materials can be acquired as needed. There are a couple of crafting skills you don't to complete this walkthrough, but it is recommended that you start with a level 15 character and unlock all crafting skills before starting. Each skill required for a sheet gains experience as it's used.

Crafting items
  1. Activate the Manufacture skill to open the Crafting Window.
  2. Place the sheet in the sheet slot.
  3. Place the Manufacturing Kit in the tool slot.
  4. Place the materials in the named material slots.
  5. Click Craft.

Crafting skills

Skill Point cost Level Required
Manufacture 1 5 Yes
Smelting 1 5 Yes
Reinforcement 1 5 Yes
Woodcraft 1 5 Yes
Design 1 15 Yes
Refinement 1 15 No*
Tanning 1 5 No*

*These skills are not needed for this guide, but it is still recommended that they are unlocked.

Required items

Item Quantity Acquired from Purchase cost (totals)
Manufacturing Kit 1 Grocer 0 1 0
Elite Short Sword Sheet 1 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 0 6
Elite Club Sheet 1 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 0 11
Elite Hand Axe Sheet 15 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 2 40
Elite Wand Sheet 120 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 40 80
Skeleton Leg 17 Skeleton (lv12) -
Crude Copper 17 Rog 0 1 53
Graphite 17 Aegis Fortress 0 2 38
Padauk Wood 240 Rog 0 21 60
Crystal 120 Aegis Fortress 0 33 60
Total: 1 3 48

Manufacture level 1-6

Crafting window with items

Below are the crafting sheets and materials needed to reach level 6 in the Manufacture skill.

Crafting materials
Crafting sheets
  1. Start crafting with the Elite Short Sword Sheet until level 2.
  2. Craft the Elite Club Sheet until level 3.
  3. Craft Elite Hand Axe Sheets until level 6.

Required items

Item Quantity Acquired from Purchase cost (ea.)
Elite Short Sword Sheet 1 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 0 6
Elite Club Sheet 1 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 0 11
Elite Hand Axe Sheet 15 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 2 40
Skeleton Leg 17 Skeleton (lv12) -
Crude Copper 17 Rog 0 1 53
Graphite 17 Aegis Fortress 0 2 38
Total: 0 6 48

Manufacture level 6-15

Once your Manufacture skill is level 6, you can craft the highest level manufacturing sheet you can buy from a shop. The materials needed can all be purchased from material shops as well.

Crafting materials
Crafting sheets
  • Continue crafting with the Elite Wand Sheet until level 15.

Required items

Item Quantity Acquired from Purchase cost (totals)
Elite Wand Sheet 120 Apprentice Blacksmith 0 40 80
Padauk Wood 240 Rog 0 21 60
Crystal 120 Aegis Fortress 0 33 60
Total: 0 96 0

Manufacture Level 15+

You can now use all sheets that can be purchased from a shop. Some players continue crafting with these sheets until higher levels, or you can craft sheets looted from mobs.


Leveling guideCrafting materials

Crafting sheetsList of crafting sheetsList of upgrade sheets

List of sheets by levelList of sheets by material

BlacksmithsApprentice BlacksmithsMaterial Shops

Related: ShopsEnchantingEnchanting sheets