Item bonus

From FHX Wiki
Revision as of 05:43, 17 June 2024 by Ryzuhr (talk | contribs) (limit level bonus is green - unidentified is only "bonus" in red)

Weapons, Armor, and Jewelry can spawn with additional and randomized Item Bonuses. These bonuses enhance item or character stats while equipped. The bonus modifier can be +/- a flat number (0) or percentage (0%) and are listed underneath the basic information table of an item in the tooltip. The amount of the bonuses is restricted by the item's rarirty. The text color of a bonus attribute most often is shown in green (#0F0) while several other decreasing (but helpful) bonsues are shown with red (#F00) text.


Vitality +10
Additional Magic Power + 6%
Resistance to Attack Magic + 22%
Limit Level reduced -1

Available item bonuses

Below is a complete list of item bonuses.

Item bonus Modifier Description
Dexterity +0 need info
Intelligence +0 need info
Strength +0 need info
Vitality +0 need info
Additional Attacking Power +0 | +0% need info
Additional Defensive Power +0 | +0% need info
Additional Magic Power +0 | +0% need info
Attacking Power by Character Level +0% need info
Attack Level +0 need info
Avoidance Level +0 | +0% need info
Defensive Level +0 need info
Defensive Magic Power +0 | +0% need info
Defensive Power by Character Level +0% need info
Limit Level reduced -0 need info
Magic Execution Speed +0% need info
Mana Regeneration +0 | +0% need info
Mana Steal +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Durability +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Mana +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Physical Strength +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Stamina +0 | +0% need info
Movement Speed +0% need info
Physical Strength Regeneration +0 | +0% need info
Physical Strength Steal +0 | +0% need info
Probability of Critical +0% need info
Resistance to Attack Magic +0 | +0% need info
Resistance to Curse Magic +0 | +0% need info
Stamina Regeneration +0 | +0% need info
Stamina Steal +0 | +0% need info

Note: Some bonuses may be from previous versions of the game and not currently implemented.

See also

▪ Item Rarity