Item bonus

From FHX Wiki
Revision as of 03:07, 31 May 2024 by Ryzuhr (talk | contribs) (summary wording)

Weapons, Armor, and Jewelry can spawn with additional Item Bonuses. These bonuses enhance item or character stats. The bonus modifier can be +/- a solid number (0) or percentage (0%).

Below is a complete list of item bonuses.

Item bonus Modifier Description
Dexterity +0 need info
Intelligence +0 need info
Strength +0 need info
Vitality +0 need info
Additional Attacking Power +0 | +0% need info
Additional Defensive Power +0 | +0% need info
Additional Magic Power +0 | +0% need info
Attacking Power by Character Level +0% need info
Attack Level +0 need info
Avoidance Level +0 | +0% need info
Defensive Level +0 need info
Defensive Magic Power +0 | +0% need info
Defensive Power by Character Level +0% need info
Limit Level reduced -0 need info
Magic Execution Speed +0% need info
Mana Regeneration +0 | +0% need info
Mana Steal +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Durability +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Mana +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Physical Strength +0 | +0% need info
Maximum Stamina +0 | +0% need info
Movement Speed +0% need info
Physical Strength Regeneration +0 | +0% need info
Physical Strength Steal +0 | +0% need info
Probability of Critical +0% need info
Resistance to Attack Magic +0 | +0% need info
Resistance to Curse Magic +0 | +0% need info
Stamina Regeneration +0 | +0% need info
Stamina Steal +0 | +0% need info

Note: Some bonuses may be from previous versions of the game and not currently implemented.