
From FHX Wiki
(Redirected from Enchanted)
What do you want me to make?

—Leo Canton, Blacksmith (Rog)

Enchanting is the process of using enchanting sheets on a weapon or armor item to improve the attack or defense stats. Enchanted items have "+X" at the end of their name. For manufacturing and upgrading items, see Crafting.

Blacksmiths & Tools

Primary article: Blacksmith

Enchanting does not require crafting skills or tools, and can only be done at a Blacksmith. A Blessing Stone is optional, but can be placed in the tool slot to protect an item from being destroyed.

Blessing Stone Protects an item from being destroyed when an enchant attempt fails.


Primary article: Enchanting sheet

Enchanting sheets come in Weapon, Armor, Soul Weapon, and Soul Armor variations. They can be found as loot from monsters.

Enchanting window
Enchanting window with items

Enchanting window

The enchanting window can be opened by interacting with a Blacksmith and selecting Enchant.

The player must place the appropriate items in the enchanting window to enchant items. Attempting to place the incorrect item will highlight the slot red and prevent placement.

  • The enchanting sheet and Blessing Stone (optional) can be placed in the sheet slot (top left) and tool slot (top right).
  • The desired item must also be placed in the item slot (center).

Once the window is filled with the necessary items, clicking the Enchant button at the bottom will consume the enchanting items to attempt the action. See the Success or Failure section for more information on enchanting results.

Enchanting items

The process of enchanting items involves using enchanting sheets to increase the attack on a weapon or the defense on armor. Enchanting can only be performed using a Blacksmith and does not require any crafting skills, crafting tools, or crafting materials.

Enchanting sheets: Armor Enchanting SheetSoul Armor Enchanting SheetWeapon Enchanting SheetSoul Weapon Enchanting Sheet

While "upgrading" and "enchanting" are terms used interchangeably, below are the distinctions to clarify what each action requires.

  • "Upgrading" increases the rarity by adding bonuses to item stats and character attributes. See Crafting for more information.
  • "Enchanting" increases the item's attack or defense stats specifically, adds +X to the end of the name, and can add a glow effect to the model of the item.
    • The glow effect becomes more intense as the enchantment value is increased.
    • Enchanting an item to +3 is guaranteed success, but every increase after that (max. +10) has an exponentially higher chance of failure.
      • Failed enchantments can result in only the sheet being consumed, and retaining the item, or the item might also be destroyed in the process.
    • Enchanting requires an enchanting sheet and does not require a tool, but a Blessing Stone can be placed in the tool slot to protect the item from being destroyed.

To enchant an item:

  1. Open the crafting window by interacting with a Blacksmith.
  2. Place the necessary items in their respective slots:
    • Tool: Blessing Stone (optional)
    • Sheet: Enchanting sheet
    • Item: Item to be enchanted
  3. Click Enchant

Success or Failure

Success: Enchanting the item consumes the sheet and an amount of money.
Dialogue: "Success" is displayed in chat.
Failure: Failing to enchant the item consumes the sheet, an amount of money, and potentially the target item.
Dialogue: "Failure." is displayed in chat.
  • When using enchanting sheets, failure has a chance of destroying the item when failing to upgrade past a +3 enchantment.
    • +3 enchantment has guaranteed success, +4 or higher (max. +10) has a chance of destroying the item.
    • Blessing Stones protect the target item from being destroyed, but are consumed in the process.

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
Chance to success 100% 100% 100% 70% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 5%
Coin cost 5GP 10GP 20GP 40GP 80GP 1,6PP 3,2PP 6,4PP 12PP 24PP


  • Bullet list of tips, tricks, advice, etc.


Primary article: Blacksmith

Rog Imperial City

Midland Port

Dusty Town

  • -


This section is a work in progress.
Image gallery of filled enchanting windows, enchanting sheets, blessing stones, glowing items, etc.

Enchanting sheetsBlacksmithBlessing Stones

Related: CraftingCrafting sheets