
From FHX Wiki
Revision as of 16:45, 6 June 2024 by Ryzuhr (talk | contribs) (→‎Crafting tools: Blessing Stone - will list out all blessing stones in its own article)
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In game description of crafting skill.

—In-game description

Crafting activity summary.

Note about most players creating a craft-character or waiting until after 50 to start the crafting skill (to unlock all skills costs 7 skill points; class skills cost more points at higher levels). Craft-characters recommended be Wizards or Summoners for teleport and less impact from having fewer skills.

Crafting skills

There are 7 crafting skills, each cost 1 skill point to unlock. Manufacture allows you to craft items yourself using tools. Any additional skill(s) that are required to craft an item are listed on its crafting sheet.

# Icon Name Requ. LvL Max. LvL Type
1 make.gif Manufacture 5 need info Active
2 smeltery.gif Smelting 5 need info Passive
3 force.gif Reinforcement 5 need info Passive
4 carpentary.gif Woodcraft 5 need info Passive
5 elaboration.gif Design 15 need info Passive
6 imbue.gif Refinement 15 need info Passive
7 tanning.gif Tanning 5 need info Passive

Crafting tools

Primary article: Crafting Tool

You can craft items yourself using kits and the Manufacture skill or at a Blacksmith NPC located in major cities. Using an NPC is recommended at lower levels but may cost more money long-term.

Icon Name Uses
craft_tool01.gif Manufacturing Kit Used to create normal items from crafting sheets and materials.
craft_tool02.gif Upgrade Kit Used to enchant normal items with Magic or Rare item bonuses.
sstone01.gif Blessing Stone Protects an item from being destroyed when an upgrade attempt fails.

Crafting sheets

Primary article: Crafting Sheet

There are a variety of crafting sheets / recipes; some can be bought from shops in town, but most are found as loot from monsters. Each sheet can tell you what item it can craft or enchant, the required crafting level and skills, and the necessary crafting materials for the recipe. The list of requirements vary depending on the sheet's use.

Crafting sheet examples
Icon Name Uses
armor_sheet01.gif Armor Sheet Used to create normal armor items.
melee_sheet03.gif Magic Weapon Sheet Used to enhance normal weapon items with Magic item bonuses.
magic_sheet05.gif Rare Mystical Sheet Used to enhance accessories or magic armor items like Magic Gloves and Robes with Rare item bonuses.
sarmor_sheet01.gif Enchanting Sheet Used to enchant Normal, Magic, Rare, or Soul armor items to increase their base armor values.

Crafting materials

Primary article: Crafting Material

Summary of items needed for crafting, how to find them, different tiers, etc.

Manufacturing items

Tool + Sheet + Materials = new item

Upgrading items

Tool = Sheet = Materials = upgraded item


List out cities/craft-NPCs/shop-NPCs for crafting.


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See also

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Tables pointing to craftable items, their tiers/levels, and any extra info.