
From FHX Wiki
Revision as of 22:47, 4 June 2024 by B4ttl3m4st3r (talk | contribs)

A chat-command can be executed within the in-game chat by typing the particular command into the chat and submit it. Chat-commands enable the player (or the game masters) to access special game functionalities that do not have or need UI elements.

Usually, chat-commands start with a special prefix character (e.g. "/" or "\"), which tells the chat to not actually send readable text to the other players, but execute a command instead. The prefix is directly followed by the command (or command-name) itself and then possibly followed by a leading space (" ") and command arguments, which are different for each particular command and are self each separated by one space (" ").

With few exceptions, the output/result/effect of the command is only directly visible to the executing player himself/herself, either directly within the chat or by other client behaviors.


<prefix><command>( <argument1> <argument2> ... <argumentN>)


▪ \rates
▪ /teleport RandomCharacter42 25300 4012

Available commands

Player chat commands
Prefix Command Arguments Example Description
\ ? n/a \? List all available chat-commands.
\ rates n/a \rates List the currently active XP/drop/etc. multipliers.