Christmas Sock (1)
Christmas Sock (1) is a consumable item that can be looted from monsters during limited time events. Consuming this item grants 1 fame.
Dropped by
- All mobs during designated events.
Christmas Sock is a consumable item that can be looted from monsters during limited time events. It comes in three variations, granting 1, 10, or 50 fame when consumed.
Christmas Sock (1)
Christmas Sock (1) is a consumable item that can be looted from monsters during limited time events. Consuming this item grants 1 fame.
Christmas Sock (10)
Christmas Sock (10) is a consumable item that can be looted from monsters during limited time events. Consuming this item grants 10 fame.
Christmas Sock (50)
Christmas Sock (50) is a consumable item that can be looted from monsters during limited time events. Consuming this item grants 50 fame.