
From FHX Wiki
This page is in draft.
need infoIs there a crafting NPC with a good quote about the crafting skill? Paste it here and update the source to NPC (Location).

—In-game description

Crafting is the process of turning component items, such as crafting materials into weapons and armor or enchanting normal items with item bonuses. There are seven skills associated with crafting and each crafting sheet lists which skills are required for the recipe. In most cases, crafted items have the "Elite" prefix in the name.


Crafting skills

There are 7 crafting skills, each cost 1 skill point to unlock. Manufacture allows you to craft items yourself using tools. Any additional skill(s) that are required to craft an item are listed on its crafting sheet. Max skill levels are not dependent on the character level.

# Icon Name Requ. LvL Max. LvL Type
1 make.gif Manufacture 5 50 Active
2 smeltery.gif Smelting 5 30 Passive
3 force.gif Reinforcement 5 30 Passive
4 carpentary.gif Woodcraft 5 30 Passive
5 elaboration.gif Design 15 30 Passive
6 imbue.gif Refinement 15 30 Passive
7 tanning.gif Tanning 5 30 Passive

Blacksmiths & Tools

Primary article: Crafting Tool

You can craft items yourself using kits and the Manufacture skill or at a Blacksmith NPC located in major cities. Using an NPC is recommended at lower levels but may cost more money long-term.

Icon Name Uses
craft_tool01.gif Manufacturing Kit Used to create normal items from crafting sheets and materials.
craft_tool02.gif Upgrade Kit Used to enchant normal items with Magic or Rare item bonuses.
sstone01.gif Blessing Stone Protects an item from being destroyed when an upgrade attempt fails.


Primary article: Crafting Sheet

There are a variety of crafting sheets / recipes; some can be bought from shops in town, but most are found as loot from monsters. Each sheet can tell you what item it can craft or enchant, the required crafting level and skills, and the necessary crafting materials for the recipe. The list of requirements vary depending on the sheet's use.

Crafting sheet examples
Icon Name Uses
armor_sheet01.gif Armor Sheet Used to create normal armor items.
melee_sheet03.gif Magic Weapon Sheet Used to enhance normal weapon items with Magic item bonuses.
magic_sheet05.gif Rare Mystical Sheet Used to enhance accessories or magic armor items like Magic Gloves and Robes with Rare item bonuses.
sarmor_sheet01.gif Enchanting Sheet Used to enchant Normal, Magic, Rare, or Soul armor items to increase their base armor values.


Primary article: Crafting Material

To craft an item, you must have the appropriate materials in your inventory. Crafting materials can be purchased from shops (gems, metals, yarn, etc.) in major cities and gathered as loot from monsters.

Crafting material examples
Gem Metal Mineral Wood Yarn Monster
gemstone01.gif Opal ingot_beryllium01.gif Crude Beryllium abrasive01.gif Hobgoblin Leader Axe tree_ash01.gif Ash annex01.gif Wool brain01.gif Deformed Zombie brain
gemstone02.gif Sapphire ingot_copper02.gif Copper abrasive02.gif Pumice tree_garing02.gif Hard Garing annex02.gif Angora leather_wh.gif Killer Wolf skin
gemstone03.gif Pearl ingot_gold01.gif Crude Gold abrasive03.gif Rutile tree_mahogany01.gif Mahogany annex03.gif Camel bone01.gif Deformed Skeleton leg
gemstone04.gif Coral ingot_iron02.gif Iron abrasive04.gif Lodestone tree_maple02.gif Hard Maple annex04.gif Alpaca jelly01.gif Green Slime jelly
gemstone05.gif Crystal ingot_mithril01.gif Crude Mithril abrasive05.gif Emery tree_old01.gif Old Tree annex05.gif Mohair scorpion02.gif Fog Scorpion shell
gemstone06.gif Topaz ingot_silver02.gif Silver tree_rosewood02.gif Hard Rosewood tooth01.gif Small Grizzly tooth
gemstone07.gif Diamond ingot_tartar01.gif Crude Tartar tree_walnut01.gif Walnut leather03.gif Small Bloodsucking Bat wing

Crafting window

Screenshot of window, label each part

Manufacturing items

Summary about the process of manufacturing items. Tool + Sheet + Materials = new item

Manufacture cost

What does creation consume? (sheet, materials, money)


What messages appear in chat when an item is successfully created?
What messages appear in chat when failing to create an item?


  • Bullet list of tips, tricks, advice, etc.

Upgrading items

Summary about the process of upgrading items. Tool = Sheet = Materials = upgraded item

Upgrade cost

What does upgrading consume? (sheet, materials, money, possibly the item)


Success! What messages appear in chat when an item is successfully upgraded? Failure. What messages appear in chat when failing to upgrade an item?


  • Bullet list of tips, tricks, advice, etc.


List out cities/craft-NPCs/shop-NPCs for crafting.


This section is a work in progress. If you would like to contribute, please message us on Discord.
Image gallery of filled crafting window, crafted items (especially with a glow)


This section is a work in progress. If you would like to contribute, please message us on Discord.
This section can probably be removed. Added section-specific Notes to other sections above. May remove later.

See also

This section is a work in progress. If you would like to contribute, please message us on Discord.
Tables pointing to craftable items, their tiers/levels, and any extra info. This may come much later (idea: table generated using Categories for "Crafted armor" and "Crafted weapon" and the various sheets).