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In game description of crafting skill.

—In-game description

Crafting activity summary.

Note about most players creating a craft-character or waiting until after 50 to start the crafting skill (to unlock all skills costs 7 skill points; class skills cost more points at higher levels). Craft-characters recommended be Wizards or Summoners for teleport and less impact from having fewer skills.

Crafting skills

Table of crafting skills similar to the Class skill table.

Crafting tools

Primary article: Crafting Tool

Summary of crafting tools and crafter NPCs/locations.

Crafting sheets

Primary article: Crafting Sheet

Summary of crafting recipes (types, how to find, info they contain, etc.)

Crafting materials

Primary article: Crafting Material

Summary of items needed for crafting, how to find them, different tiers, etc.

Manufacturing items

Tool + Sheet + Materials = new item

Upgrading items

Tool = Sheet = Materials = upgraded item


List out cities/craft-NPCs/shop-NPCs for crafting.


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See also

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Tables pointing to craftable items, their tiers/levels, and any extra info.