
From FHX Wiki

Summoners are the experts of spiritualistic magic inherited from ancient times. They summon guardians to fight and protect casters. It is also possible that their knowledge to elemental and other magic can daze and dazzle opponents. They can also cast additional buff magic to colleagues. If summoners are to be one of your enemies, then you should not underestimate the contract between them and the guardians backing them up.

—In-game description

The Summoner (Sn) is one of the selectable classes in the game.

Playable races

High-Elf Wood-Elf


Preferred attributes


Summoners primarily fill a support role. Through the pets they summon, they can provide buffs, healing, and damage. They can also unlock Critical, the only buff that grants a bonus to critical chance.


Note: The selection of skills was different in each iteration of the game.

Class skills (FHX Restoration)
# Icon Name Window page Window pos. Requ. lvl Max. lvl Type
1 sword.gif Sword Mastery 1 1 1 need info Passive
2 el_shock.gif Elemental Shock 1 2 1 need info Damage, Curse
3 summon_na.gif Summon Naiad 1 3 1 need info Utility
4 bagi_slash.gif Zephyr Slash 1 4 1 need info Damage
5 summon_sh.gif Summon Shaikin 1 5 5 need info Utility
6 el_defence.gif Elemental Defense 1 6 5 need info Buff
7 summon_ka.gif Summon Kasa 1 7 10 need info Utility
8 fire_slash.gif Fire Slash 1 8 10 need info Damage
9 el_heal.gif Elemental Heal 2 1 15 need info Buff
10 fire_blade.gif Fire Bolt 2 2 15 need info Damage
11 summon_un.gif Summon Undinae 2 3 20 need info Utility
12 stamina_regain.gif Stamina Regain 2 4 20 need info Utility
13 summon_er.gif Summon Erymanthus 2 5 25 need info Utility
14 blade_storm.gif Blade Storm 2 6 25 need info Damage
15 summon_se.gif Summon Salamander 2 7 30 need info Utility
16 air_wing.gif Air Wing 2 8 30 need info Buff
17 need info Hades Flames 3 1 35 need info Damage
18 el_power.gif Elemental Power 3 2 35 need info Buff
19 summon_ed.gif Summon Endairon 3 3 40 need info Utility
20 critical.gif Critical 3 4 40 need info Buff
21 summon_gg.gif Summon Gigas 3 5 45 need info Utility
22 self_defence.gif Self-defense 3 6 45 need info Buff
23 summon_sr.gif Summon Selaim 4 1 50 need info Utility
24 flamesword.gif Efreet Sword 4 2 50 need info Damage





# LvL Icon Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Skill 4
1 1 consskill1.gif bagi_slash.gifZephyr Slash fire_slash.gifFire Slash
2 1 consskill1.gif el_power.gifElemental Power el_defence.gifElemental Defense
3 1 consskill1.gif fire_slash.gifFire Slash fire_blade.gifFire Bolt blade_storm.gifBlade Storm
4 2 consskill2.gif stamina_regain.gifStamina Regain critical.gifCritical
5 2 consskill2.gif air_wing.gifAir Wing self_defence.gifSelf-defense
6 3 consskill3.gif need infoHades Flames fire_blade.gifFire Bolt blade_storm.gifBlade Storm flamesword.gifEfreet Sword



  • need info


Summoned Guardians

Summoners can unlock skills to call upon one of nine spirit guardians to aid them. Each elemental spirit is water, wind, or fire and fills a support, tank, or damage role respectively. Summoned guardians have their own set of skills they can use, and some unlock additional skills at higher levels.

Spirit Guardian Skills
Summon Naiad Shaikin Kasa
F1 Light Heal
F3 Sanctuary
F4 Position Memorize (lv 40)
F5 Teleport (lv 40)
F1 Shaikin Taunt F1 Fire Stream
F2 Kasa Breath
Undinae Erymanthus Salamander
F1 Light Heal
F2 Heal
F3 Bless Water
F4 Water Protect
F5 (lv 40)
F1 Erymanthus Taunt
F2 Erymanthus Anger
F1 Double Fire Stream
F2 Salamander Breath
F3 Fire Ring
Endairon Gigas Selaim
F1 Heal
F2 Holy Heal
F3 Holy Water
F4 Holy Water Protect
F1 Gigas Taunt
F2 Gigas Anger
F3 Jumping Rush
F1 Fire Screw
F2 Fire Cloud
F3 Fire Storm
F4 Sacrifice Selaim


This section is a work in progress. If you would like to contribute, please message us on Discord.


This section is a work in progress. If you would like to contribute, please message us on Discord.


  • Summoned pets unlock additional pet skills as they increase in level. Unlike other active skills, summoning skills do not gain experience from being cast. They gain experience like passive skills; the summoned pet gains experience for each monster defeated while it's alive.
  • Summoners do not get credit (kill or loot) for killing a monster if their pet does all the damage. To avoid this, the Summoner must hit the target with at least 1 auto-attack before it dies.



Related: AttributesRacesSkills