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[[File:Idios world map.png|350px|thumb|World map of Idios.]]
[[File:ROG world map.png|350px|thumb|Map of ROG continent.]]
Welcome to FHX Restoration. A world where more than a thousand years ago, three nations traveled to the central continent called Herrcot. In this continent the powers of magic are the strongest in the world. The greatest Sage of that time convinced the kings that they could gain unimaginable power in Herrcot.
Welcome to FHX Restoration. A world where more than a thousand years ago, three nations traveled to the central continent called Herrcot. In this continent the powers of magic are the strongest in the world. The greatest Sage of that time convinced the kings that they could gain unimaginable power in Herrcot.

Revision as of 16:31, 29 August 2024

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Map of ROG continent.

Welcome to FHX Restoration. A world where more than a thousand years ago, three nations traveled to the central continent called Herrcot. In this continent the powers of magic are the strongest in the world. The greatest Sage of that time convinced the kings that they could gain unimaginable power in Herrcot.

To do this, deep within the earth the three nations built a temple to tap the vast magical powers of Herrcot. The leaders of the three nations all had their most powerful wizards make ”Dimensional Keys” and through an ancient ritual, they tried to open a portal to a different dimension. This is when evil was unleashed upon the land, more than a hundred years of war destroyed most of civilization. Finally, legendary heroes were able to drive the forces of evil back to the continent of Herrcot and sealed them there for the past 1000 years.

As a wandering adventurer you find yourself in the continent of ROG, being able to explore its two provinces: Glorious Imperial Territory and South Rog Frontier, where strange things are happening lately and there are rumors of evil rising. This is where your story begins.


TODO : Need to copy and format Prologue from site.


Year 0

After the opening of the portal and the appearance of Beelzebub a war broke out all over the world. The forces of Beelzebub laid siege to all kingdoms and nearly destroyed all civilization. Some people managed to survive by building fortresses and learning to fight the forces of Beelzebub. The war for survival lasted for a 100 years.

Year 100

Melkent Purikan united the divided factions in the ROG/Idios continent, and with this allied force pushed Beelzebub out of the land back into Herrcot. Purikan was one of the five legendary heroes that were instrumental in defeating Beelzebub. Jessie the magician, wood-elf Constine, the dwarf Mandel and monk Jelphins.

Purikan performed legendary feats during the attacks on Beelzebub, never seen before. Purikan was risen from the dead on the battlefield and seen with his legendary Sword, Pelkin, spitting lightning and destroying evil creatures with a single touch. It is said that the Gods, Dazamor and Aketrav, helped Purikan defeat Beelzebub.

Purikan then re-founded the kingdom of ROG and became the first new King. People gathered to the Castles for protection and tried to rebuild their lives. During the lasting peace that followed, every now and then some attacks from Beelzebub’s forces were repelled at the border of Herrcot.

Year 138

After a long peaceful reign Purikan, nearing his old-age, decided that locking Beelzebub in Herrcot was not enough. He traveled to Herrcot, fighting his way through the monsters on the continent and reaching Beelzebub’s hiding place. There he fought Beelzebub while his best wizards performed a ritual to open the portal. Beelzebub was winning. Wounded and tired Purikan smashed down Beelzebub and dragged the devil into the portal. Beelzebub kept clawing at Purikan, trying to get away. Purikan ordered the wizards to close the portal, fighting to keep Beelzebub there.

The portal slowly closed with Beelzebub and Purikan fighting inside. The realm they disappeared in was called Devil’s Den.

Year 208

The 4th king, and also the worst tyrant in history of ROG, Neviros, wanted to reach the power of darkness. Neviros built a huge dungeon to bury a 1,000 people alive as sacrificial offering to make himself immortal. The side effect of the forbidden spells made him between live and dead, the first Lich.

Year 211

The tyranny of Neviros eventually made his brother to go against him. And Neviros was sealed forever in the deepest pit of the dungeon he built to make himself immortal.

Year 425

The deep dungeon of Neviros was found. Many people tried to go in there and slay Neviros, but nobody made their way back home. Later, the place was called the Graveyard of Heroes.

King Adlede, regarded as great as Purikan, once entered the Graveyard of Heroes with his most loyal followers, but he and his men never came back.

Year 428

Shurian, one of the followers of King Adlede, returned. When he entered the Graveyard of Heroes with the others, he somehow survived and acquired ancient knowledge on magical powers. For almost 300 years, he had learned all he could in twisted time-space and then returned.

Once he was back to his world, Shurian used his enormous powers to become king of ROG. But he was accused of using dark magic by nobles who envied his ability. The war that broke out after this twisted Shurian and made him use his powers against his own people.

After 3 years of his return, his children and loved one lured and killed him in the Pulp Mountains.

Year 431

The Barbarians from the southwest took advantage of Rog's disordered situation to claim the land from Pulp Mountains as their own.

The arch-elder of the elves, Mebishu, had lived more than 1000 years, and was once a friend of the great king Purikan. One day he packed his bag and moved into the Woods of Darkness Many Elves decided to follow Mebishu and live separately from the other races in the woods creating a new faction of elves called the Wood Elves.

Year 435

ROG was in disarray after the war with Shurian. This lead to the Churches of Aketrav and Dazamor creating their own military to prevent power being abused by a single king.

The nobles elected a new king of ROG, Baaldread. He regarded the separated Barbarians and Elves as rebels and launched assaults on them eventually uniting the continent of Idios through conquest. Then he declared ROG to be an Empire and he declared himself the emperor.

After the rise to power and declaring ROG an empire Baaldread ruled the rest of his days in peace. The people of ROG slowly returned to their normal lives and appreciated the safety the Empire provided.

Year 589

A Dark Wizard named Mubler made a deal with evil and destroyed 3 towns with plague. He then raised the dead to create his army. Then he and his army put the entire Rog Empire into chaos. To this day the Forest of the Deadis cursed with living dead.

Year 652

Gineach, the 5th heir of the ROG Empire, disappeared from the palace with the heroic sword, the Pelkin, once used by the great king Purikan. It is rumored that Gineach was abducted by followers of Beelzebub in the hopes of using him and the sword to return the Devil to this realm. This was never proven and Gineach and the Pelkin never surfaced.

Year 694

Count Cram of Midland discovered there were minerals buried in Dusty Gorge. People decided to settle the uninhabitable area in hope of riches and a better life.

Year 744

A group of monsters from Herrcot attacked some military bases located near the border.

The General of Rog and the first follower of Dazamor/Aketrav, Josephine Wagner. Insisted to invade Herrcot quite a number of times, but was never approved by the nobles. Finally, Josephine was ordered to launch an attack. She invaded Herrcot with the largest force of the Empire ever seen in a 100 years. While the attack was a great success, Josephine died on the battlefield.

Year 803

Kusen, a demon, appeared at the Crystar Mountains, home of the dwarves. He almost wiped out the entire dwarf population and built a huge altar known as the altar of blood. After 3 months, Kusen was sealed in and underground dungeon by furious dwarves that survived the slaughter.

Year 953

Cain event

Year 1000


Beelzebub finally has his full strength again and is seeking revenge on the people who defeated him 1000 years ago. To do that he needs to be summoned by his followers.

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