(Redirected from Options)

Options (or game settings) allow the player to customize various functions for their game client, from graphical adjustments to hotkey shortcuts. The option window is accessed by clicking the button in the bottom right of the user interface and selecting Option.
- Brightness
- Resolution
- Grass
- Texture (Terrain)
- Texture (Char)
- Range (Terrain)
- Range (Char)
- Reflections
- Magic Effects
- Shadow
- Name
- Filtering Effect
- Sound FX
- BG Music
- Primary article: Controls
Function | Default key |
Move Forward | W |
Move Backward | S |
Move Left, Turn | A |
Move Right, Turn | D |
Sit Down/Stand Up | X |
Walk/Run | R |
Offensive/Peace | Q |
Sprint | F |
Jump | Space |
Auto Run | Tab |
Equipment Window | I |
Status Window | C |
Skill Window | K |
Mini Map | M |
Party Window | P |
Hide Interface | ~ |
Close Window | Esc |
Screenshot | Pr Sc |
Switch Perspective | F12 |
Pet Skill 1 | F1 |
Pet Skill 2 | F2 |
Pet Skill 3 | F3 |
Pet Skill 4 | F4 |
Pet Skill 5 | F5 |
Target the Nearest NPC | F6 |
Target the Nearest PC | F7 |
Target the Nearest NPC/PC | F8 |
Target Yourself | F9 |
Help | F11 |
Whisper | T |
Reply to Whisper | Y |
Party | G |
Switch Weapon | E |
Guild | N |
Zoom In | Up arrow |
Zoom Out | Down arrow |
Rotate Left | Left arrow |
Rotate Right | Right arrow |
Rotate 180 Degrees | End |
Quest Window | U |
Auto Loot | V |
- Lock GUI
- Show Tips
- Chat Bubbles
- Char Select
- Exit Game